Last weekend, Mark Snell and I attended a great Photographic seminar in St Louis. It was put on by Palm Beach Photographic Center. The instructor, Fatima NeJame did a teriffic job describing the ins and outs of digital photography to a group of 60 or so attendees. I recommend these seminars if they come back to town again. Very worthwile refresher and I picked up a few new tricks to boot.
Every body needs to make time to Sharpen the Saw once in a while.
Here was the seminar content....
Digital Cameras Made Easy
Day One
After basic camera skills, such as proper camera handling, care lens selection and use, auto focus and exposure are covered, you will move on, learning how to use the instant feedback of the digital camera to improve your photography. Color balance and histogram use in the field and in the lab will be covered. We will wade through the swamp of color space and color depth. Should you use jpeg or RAW files? In this full-day lecture seminar, you will learn how to take your pictures from the camera to the computer. This class opens the door to all aspects of digital photography. Don't miss this opportunity to learn from the pros.
Topics Include:
• Digital camera features & proper set-up
• Pixel resolution for different end uses
• File formats and compression
• Advantages of Raw files
• Getting the most from your digital camera
• Digital media, card readers & storage devices
• Image acquisition to the computer
The Digital Darkroom
Day Two
In this full-day digital darkroom seminar, you will learn to work with digital photographs or digital scans of existing film images to enhance, manage, color correct and print your images. This seminar covers in more depth, aspects of digital imaging that you will need to know to make the most of your photographs once they are in your computer.
Topics Include:
• Image acquisition to the computer from digital cameras and card readers
• Scanning film
• File size, formats, and resolution
• Enhancing digital and scanned images
• Using pressure sensitive tools
• Color balancing your monitor
• Color correction techniques in Photoshop™
• Using the basic tools of Adobe Photoshop™
• Selection and masking techniques
• Working with color correction layers and masks
• Digital retouching techniques
• Printing tips, tricks and techniques
• Fine art and archival printing