WebYep Web Editing Software: 20% Off
The PHP-based CMS "WebYep" offers handy plug-ins for Dreamweaver, RapidWeaver and Freeway. It can also easily be integrated into existing websites either via these plug-ins or via direct source code editing. The outstanding features of WebYep are its extreme ease of use for editors and the minimum integration effort for web designers. These features make WebYep the ideal solution for small to medium websites.
This Apple user group special is 20% off the regular price of EUR 29.00 ($36.41 [US] at time of offer; exchange rate may change).
Purchase and details: http://www.obdev.at/webyep/
This worldwide offer is valid through June 30, 2009.
MacScan from SecureMac quickly detects, isolates and removes spyware from Macintosh computers using both real-time spyware definition updating and unique detection methods. It also includes Internet clutter cleanup with blacklisted tracking cookie detection and removal. Since 1999, SecureMac.com has been at the forefront of Macintosh system security. The site also operates as a clearinghouse for news, reviews and discussion of Apple computer security issues.
Regularly available for $29.99 (US), this special user group is discount 20% off. Try before you buy with free trial.
Review and purchase: http://macscan.securemac.com/
This worldwide offer is valid through October 31, 2009.