President’s Corner: New Year’s Resolutions and Promises
by Tom Piper, aJMUG President
The Consumer Electronic Show has come and gone, with lots of new and different products, many of which were interesting, some exciting, and some bewildering. But, still no news from Apple . . . EXCEPT, the January 27 Apple “event” which is showing a lot of promise. I definitely want to see a new Apple tablet by any name they want to call it (many have already dubbed it the “iTablet”). What are you hoping for???
At our last meeting, Mark, George and I showed pictures, talked about our experiences, and showed a few (very few) gadgets which had been acquired in Las Vegas. We launched our first round of favorite gadget and iPhone app presentations, a pattern to be followed at each meeting (by different people each time). We all also talked about our favorite Christmas presents, and in some cases, things that we wanted, but didn’t get. Alice Kopp, our new webmaster, also gave us review of what is on our website, and why we should go back and visit it ( more often . . . there is a lot to benefit us there. George Kopp also announced that he would be teaching an iMovie class on April 8 and 15 (register early to reserve your spot). The evening’s door prize winners included:
Apple Keychain............ Dan Walsh
Apple Cube clip............ Ed Brandt
Black Apple Bag............ Ron Rudroff
Black Apple Bag............ Julie Smith
Apple Key fob.............. Bruce Heerboth
Apple Cap ................... Steve Archer
The next meeting will focus on Digital Camera Comparisons (we swapped this topic with Mac Dictionary, which will be done at the March 2 meeting). We will also talk about whatever is announced by Apple at its next big event. Incidentally, we just had our 78th and 79th members join appleJAC MUG last week . . . we have so much to offer to so many.
Mark your calendar NOW for the next appleJAC Macintosh Users Group meeting on the first Tuesday, February 2, 2010, at 7:00 pm. Bring family, friends and new members back to Lewis and Clark Middle School to get the most out of your Mac and Apple products.