by Tom Piper
HAPPY NEW YEAR . . . 2017 has arrived, and we have much to do (like New Year’s Resolutions). First, I wish to thank our appleJAC Officers from 2016 (Joe, Peggy, Alice, Greg, Larry, Ann, George, Mark, Shubha and Janet) who have served us well, and contributed to our education and enjoyment during the year. I also welcome our new Officers (Jason, Julie and Jim).
As I begin my year as appleJAC President (it seems like this is the 20th time I’ve done this), I look forward to some great topics, and also reflect back on 32 years of successful achievement of our goal “to provide a forum for Apple products, including Macintosh computers and iOS devices, users in Central Missouri to meet on an educational, research and social basis." We have done this for over 380 meetings on literally more topics than I can count . . . and there is a lot more to look forward to.
At our last meeting, we had a great presentation about Email Security from Jason Piper (see our website for his slideshow), and held our Annual Business Meeting (these minutes are also posted on our website). A number of prizes were given away, but a list was not kept at this meeting.
Our next meeting will focus on “Organizing Your Pics with Apple Photos”, an extensive presentation by George Kopp describing many of the features of this app replacement for iPhoto (this is not about scanning or handling photos with other apps). We will also spend whatever time left talking about Cool Stuff that members have, particularly items received for Christmas. In addition, we also need your ideas for new topics to address during our meetings this year, so bring your ideas along.
To learn more about this meeting, just view the agenda below. We will also be spending special attention to timing our presentations this year, and asking our attendees to be respectful of presenters by moving telephones calls and chitchat to the back of the room so others can better hear.
Thanks for being part of appleJAC, and we look forward to a great year ahead. See you at the meeting . . .