On Tuesday, October 1, Joe Mertzlufft gave us several great tips and filled in for George in presenting about Apple’s new devices. Great to have such a knowledgeable appleJAC Board that can cover for each other!
Jason Piper did a wonderful presentation about Apple’s new iOS18 on the iPhone. Wow! Lots of great stuff! My favorite is the “Send Later” feature in Messages!
Cudos to Julie Smith for being our videographer once again. Videos of the meeting are on our Facebook page and on our website:
https://applejac.typepad.com/ Jason’s and George’s slideshows are there as well.
Thank you to our snackJAC team - Ann Lane and Julie Koenigsfeld - for the delicious snacks.
The winners of the door prizes were:
1. Keith Mayor - Apple Gift Card
2. Ann Kovar - appleJAC soft cloth
Saturday, October 26, George and I will be on Hal Dulle’s show - KWOS AM 950 - at 8:00 am (it got bumped from September). If you miss it, you can catch it here:
https://kwos.com/open-air-with-hal-dulle/ We will be discussing all things Apple.
Your Board of Directors is still busy making plans for our 40th Anniversary celebration at our meeting on December 3, so plan to attend! Please find attached information about ordering 40th Anniversary T-Shirts - due November 5. Let’s all wear them to our celebration on December 3.
Enjoy this beautiful fall weather and I hope to see you in at our next meeting - on Election Day, November 5! Don’t forget to vote (as if we could😉)!