by George Kopp
On the Road Again....
This month, appleJAC hits the road for a meeting in Columbia. A few times a year we try to have a meeting in Columbia to make attendance easier for our members from the north. This time, it was not easy to find a location, but long-time member, Larry Garvin, found a location we could use to meet at no cost to the club. Our next meeting will be held on May 3, 2011, at 7:00 pm at:
Air & Water Solutions, Inc.
1400 Heriford Rd, Suite 101
Columbia, MO 65202
(see map below)
Join us that evening to learn about Jazzing your Photos. The main part of the presentation will be performed by Dan Walsh, who is a professional at using Photoshop tools and doing layout design. He plans on showing how to work with colors, removing objects or people out of photos, along with replacing and adding items into photos. Dan knows quite a bit about Photoshop, so he shouldn't have a problem answering all your questions.
Images do not always come exactly as you wish to use them. You may need to do some cropping, adjust their colors or luminosity (brightness), change their size (resolution), or modify their content (delete an ex-husband). Dan will be showing us some techniques he uses to make photographs really sing. While all of you may not be up to a high-end program such as Photoshop, Adobe also has a lower-end image software called Photoshop Elements for a much lower cost that is in reach of nearly all of us.
appleJAC Classes
Each year, appleJAC holds a number of classes for the membership that allow you to make better use of the tools you have. We are in the process of planning a class on Apple's newest and most popular product to date: the iPad. This class will cover setting up and customizing your original iPad or iPad 2 to do the things you want to with it. It will also include an array of iPad applications that make your iPad experience even better. Look for more details on this class coming soon.
appleJAC also has videos of past classes for sale. These disks have the video of the screen from the presentations and the audio of the presenter to follow along, all in QuickTime format that you can play on your screen. Available classes on DVD include:
- MacOS X Leopard/Snow Leopard - $15
- iPhoto '09 - $15
- iMovie '09 - $15
- iWork '09 including Pages, Numbers, and Keynote - $25
If you are interested in one of these disks, email us at [email protected], and we can make a copy of it for you and have it at the next meeting.
I hope to see you in Columbia in May. If you live in the Jefferson City area and would like to carpool to Columbia that evening, you should meet at 6:20 pm in the North Jefferson City commuter parking lot.
From Vandiver, turn South on Westfall, just East of River Mist Spa.
From Westfall, turn Right, or West on Heriford
Air and Water is in the same building as Bright City Lights.